Artificial Flowers and Plants - Wholesale and Online Store

Contact us

Sales department

Shelley Gregson - Commercial Sales Manager

Phone: +44 7522 194 460

Book the Showroom appointment

We invite you to visit our showroom in Preston, where you can explore and order items from our current selection available on-site, as well as for upcoming seasons. Schedule an appointment today!

Book an appointment

Company details

Showroom and warehouse in UK

Faktor Ltd.
Unit 6 Preston Trade Park, Ribbleton Lane
Preston PR1 5AU, United Kingdom
53.7645 °N, -2.6866 °W

Plan your route

Showroom and warehouse in Poland

Faktor Polska Sp. z o.o.
Piorunów 13, 05-870 Błonie, Poland
52.2014 °N, 20.5605 °E

Opening hours

Mon. - Fri.: 8:00 - 16:00
Sat. - Sun.: Closed

Company registration details

Faktor Ltd.
Unit 6 Preston Trade Park, Ribbleton Lane
Preston PR1 5AU, United Kingdom

VAT No.: 413 2133 53
Company number: 14004022

Bank account details

Beneficiary: Faktor Ltd.
Account number: 32396198
Sort code: 01-03-32

Faktor Polska - Showroom i Magazyn