
Artificial Green Fillers

We encourage you to purchase durable, unique, and eternally fresh flower arrangements, which will become a wonderful background for exceptional ceremonies such as weddings and baptisms. Our florist creates wonderful decoration sets for tables, goblets, cars, and rooms. While beautiful, compositions made of live flowers fade after merely an hour. Our products give you a guarantee that everything will look just perfect throughout the entire ceremony and any photos you take will become wonderful souvenirs.

Eucalyptus x 9 QA272

Size: 50 cm

Category: Fillers

Stock: In stock

Retail price £ 4.51 per pcs
+ 20% VAT

Packing: package (2 pcs)

Boxwood A357

Size: 30 cm

Category: Fillers

Stock: In stock

Retail price £ 0.32 per pcs
+ 20% VAT

Packing: package (24 pcs)